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"Kerem Bürsin made a shocking statement after the party she held with her friends!
Kerem Bürsin made a shocking statement after the party where he had fun with his friends!
Hande kissed Kerem in front of Kerem's family!
Kerem gave a party at Hande's house as it is under renovation
Impressive statement from Kerem, If I didn't love Hande, I wouldn't have given her a chance.
Betrayal confession from Kerem Bürsin "I was embarrassed, I felt very bad
Last Minute''Kerem Bürsin Announced The Woman He Will Marry After Leaving The Party
Shocking statements from Kerem Bürsin about the Hande Ercel family
Shock shock shock! Melis Bursin has talked about Kerem and She!
Kerem Bürsin has announced that he is in love with Hande Erçel!
Why did Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin stay away from each other at the event they attended?
"Kerem Bürsin is looking for Casuzu, who leaked his private life to the press".